Tadashi Nakamura and Yasmin Fedda

[cnn-photo-caption image=http://i.a.cnn.net/cnn/2008/images/01/15/art.nakamura.fedda.sun.jpg caption=”Tadashi Nakamura,left, and Yasmin Fedda are both featured in the Short Film Category at Sundance this year.”]

The Short Film Category at Sundance is full of talented filmmakers, and Tadashi Nakamura and Yasmin Fedda, both 27, are two of the young standouts with their powerful social commentaries.

Nakamura is as a fourth-generation Japanese-American and second-generation filmmaker. His introduction to filmmaking happened at the super-ripe age of 9 days old, in a film directed by his dad, award-winning director Robert A. Nakamura. Now he stands on his own with his film “Pilgrimage,” a tribute to a small group of Japanese-Americans in the late 1960s who transformed an abandoned World War II internment camp into a symbol of solidarity.

Fedda has traveled around the world to produce documentaries on subjects like the Santeria religion and colonial stipends in Syria. She is a Lebanese-Canadian filmmaker currently living in Edinburgh, Scotland, which is the scene of her latest film, “Breadmakers,” about a community of workers with learning disabilities who make organic bread for local shops and cafes.

Update: Watch the CNN.com Live interview

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11 Responses to Tadashi Nakamura and Yasmin Fedda

  1. Anonymous says:

    Tadashi, I know an author (Derrick Barksdale) who has written a wonderful book about his struggles through life growing up without a father, he is also a powerful inspirational speaker. I’m a filmmaker trying to convince him to allow his story to be transferred to film, how do you approach a situation like this once you find a passionate story?

  2. Anonymous says:

    The question is posed to Yasmin: We found your observation into the bakery very interesting: can you please explain more about the educational benefits to the bakers.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The question is posed to Yasmin:
    We found your observation into the bakery very interesting: can you please explain more about the educational benefits to the bakers.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I saw your film this weekend at Sundance and noticed you have an educational package available.
    How do you target younger audiences?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Saw “Pilgrimage” at Sundance – it was awesome! Hope to see it on TV!!

  6. Tim from UCSD says:

    I can’t believe I saw Tad on CNN. Gotta love that cold weather…

  7. bruce banner says:

    Tad, great film. Very informative and put together in a fresh, cool way. Look forward to your future work. Continue to Getdownnn@blogspot.com

  8. Just Chris says:

    you guys are inspirational, keep it up fam!

  9. lem meech says:

    how does one see and read all this great stuff called “breadmakers ” -“pilgramige” and the auther derrick Barksdale. please advise to my email adress thanks & cheers Len

  10. Jim says:

    In response to Lem Meech, you can view information about author Derrick Barksdale and his book, at http://www.derrickbarksdale.com. Thanks

  11. Stephen says:

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