Taraje Williams-Murray

[cnn-photo-caption image= http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2008/images/07/20/art.taraje.jpg
caption=”Taraje Williams-Murray, 23, is a four-time national judo champion.”]

Taraje Williams-Murray knows exactly where he’s going to eat when the Olympics are over. He knows the cooking he’s going to do to gain back 25 pounds. He knows all about the lazy Sundays he will have with his girlfriend and family just vegging out.

But he’s putting that all aside for now in the name of sacrifice, which is basically the first word out of 23-year-old Taraje’s mouth these days as he prepares for the Beijing Olympics. He’s a four-time national judo champion and was on the U.S. judo team in Athens four years ago. He knows exactly what kind of sacrifices he’s making with 16-hour training days with strict workouts and a strict diet. It was all the subject of his documentary, “Beyond the Rings”.

Taraje has been competing in judo since he was eight years old. “The pinnacle of any judoka is the Olympics,” he says. He knows all the fun he could be having if he wasn’t training, he can wait for that but he can’t wait to compete.

Update: Watch the CNN.com Live interview

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9 Responses to Taraje Williams-Murray

  1. Drew Green says:

    Are there any days during the Olympics that you can watch other events and not worry about getting ready for your own matches? If so what are you looking forward to seeing the most? besides of course Judo.

  2. ST says:

    What is your favorite and least favorite part of your training? Why?

  3. Dr. Irakus says:

    A 16 hr training day sounds pretty daunting..most people don’t work that much in a day…wow
    Could Taraje give us a walk through of a typical training day?

  4. love says:

    What other than Judo would you like to do regarding a career or would you consider this your career going forward?

  5. Rufus and Stephanie Ferguson says:

    Congratulations Taraje!!

    We (and the Judo Crusader) are looking for GOLD!!!

    Thanks for representing us on TEAM USA!



  6. YS says:

    He is soooo cuuuuute!!!!! Hope he was my “sensei”. 😛

  7. christina says:


    You’re Amazing!

    My family wishes you continued success, we are VERY PROUD of you and all that you have accomplished thus far.

    THE VICTORY IS YOURS 8-9-08 ******GOLD********

  8. DethStryque says:

    You are a true inspiration,and I have nothing but the highest regard for your incredible sacrifices,willpower,devotion,skill level and achievement.What makes your outstanding achievements in Judo even more astonishing is how you have paced these amazing athletic achievements with equally sterling academic accolades.Props and the fist pound to ya,brah.

  9. Archi says:

    Good post. Your posts are really interesting. To have a good resource you should not only to post something, but do it interesting. You do your best.

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