McKay Hatch

[cnn-photo-caption image=

caption=”McKay Hatch, 16, encourages children and adults to avoid using profanity.”]
&*$%! Yup, it’s pretty common to hear four-letter words in school hallways. Some kids want to be cool by cussing like their friends. Some hear it from their parents. But, McKay Hatch didn’t want to hear it or say it.

When McKay was in 8th grade, he asked his friends not to cuss around him. Then he started the No Cussing Club. It started with 35 members, then it grew to more than 20,000 members — kids and adults, from 50 states and 30 countries. The reaction has been mixed. His site has been hacked, his family has received bomb and death threats. Prostitutes have even shown up to his house! But, his mission of civility keeps him going.

“It shows how much impact words have. Someone sent me an e-mail and said, ‘Your words become your action, action becomes your behavior, your behavior becomes your character, character becomes destiny.’ I hope that this brings greater understanding among people to show that words have meaning and can affect where you go in life,” McKay, 16, says. Last week, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors declared the first week in March as No Cussing Week.

Update: Watch the Live interview

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91 Responses to McKay Hatch

  1. adam says:

    profanity is what you make it. if you dont want it to be profane, it isn’t profane. what is the big deal? these anti-profanity people just like to feel like their better than everyone else because they dont say things like sh*t, or f*ck…ooops!! i guess im not that good of a person. if you want to volunteer for a cause why dont you save some needy puppies or raise money for starving children in africa or something else that is truly productive as opposed to volunteering to promote “appropriate language”.

  2. will says:

    Wow, thats pretty cool of you McKay. Actually never thought of a club especially for this, but i’ll be sure to look into it.

  3. Kevin says:

    I agree with Adam’s post. This so-called “cause” is such a non-issue. Profanity is not inherently bad, but rather is words arbitrarily chosen by people as “offensive.” If you have young children and don’t want them to learn to casually use those words, that’s understandable. However, I find most of the people who care about profanity are self-righteous pricks who use it as a vehicle for feeling they are superior to others.

    There are real, jet black evils in this world that go unaddressed when people waste their time on bull@&$% like this. It’s like picking up a piece of trash and giving yourself a pat on the back for saving the Earth when there is a bloody, battered person lying right next to it for whom you do nothing. Call me when this kid starts a No Homelessness Club or a Helping Victims of Sexual Assault Club. Until then, I respect his ability to stick by his cause despite heavy resistance. However, he could put that talent and character to much better use.

  4. megan howard says:

    i think its cool that you made this no cussing club b/c most young teenagers now espiecally around my school use the same cuss word in one sentence and i think its ridiculous how do you join this no cussing club?

  5. Keith B says:

    Great. It’s high time somebody stepped out on this. Many folks use profanity around young kids. Personally, I’ve kicked several folks out of my house for using profanity in front of my daughter. Adam, why don’t YOU do something productive for a change, like raise money for starving children – or something . . . .

  6. Terri says:

    I appreciate what this young man is trying to do. In answer to the comment, “profanity is what you make it” and “what is the big deal” I’d say, sir, it’s about thinking before you speak and learning to communicate in a way that treats others with respect. Speaking to one another and treating one another with respect is a small step in the right direction in a country where discussions too often turn into hateful put-downs.

  7. Edianette Ramos says:

    I THINK I ROCK!!! This is very interesting how peopl actually think about other people and actually care for. This is amazimg.

  8. Mary says:

    I think it’s great that you have the motivation to dedicate yourself to a cause, but as “Adam” said above, your energy could be better spent trying to raise money for the homeless, feed hungry children or save endangered animals, rather than wasting it on petty issues such as “bad’ language. We’re not living in the dark ages anymore, where people’s speech was policed by the church and punished with a heavy hand.

    Attempting to control people’s speech by declaring a “No-Cussing Week” is nothing more than a violation of our Frst Amendment rights. And please… the word is CURSING. “Cussing” sounds like something out of the movie “Deliverance”.

  9. Chris says:

    I don’t understand why so many people are enraged because a child decides he doesn’t want to use inappropriate language. He is a positive influence because a lot of people could benefit from learning not to curse. Language, whether it is cussing or just improper English, has the power to hold someone back. When someone uses a lot of profanity they make themselves appear unintelligent and not to be taken seriously. Teens should learn this as they work with others in a social setting and as they prepare to work after graduating.

    If you want to criticize and complain about something, why don’t you criticize the adults that are to blame for displaced (starving, tortured, infected) people around the world or criticize the dog shelters that mistreat their animals, and leave children who are trying to make their community a better place alone.

  10. Patrick says:

    There is no such thing as a bad word. Words are just that, expressions of a feeling. If you have a problem with expression then you need to grow up and get away from that super conservative dogma you hold so dear.

    …the parents are probably running the show anyway. “We’re so proud of our little puppet” ha!

  11. Dani says:

    Wow, Adam, you are truly an idiot. I think it is so awesome that a 16 year-old kid is willing to stand up for something like this. A lot of profane words are very offensive and not healthy to use. People who swear are uneducated and have no other words to use to express themselves…go read a book and think of another word to use…Kudos to McKay!!!

  12. TJ says:

    I agree with Adam here… But I applaud the efforts of this young man. There is very little wrong with profanity that can be solved with a club or awareness such as this. If McKay feels he is somehow defending morality in any way you are wrong. Stopping children from cussing in public needs to be an issue raised by the parents of the children. You do not make children who already use this language use it less. By speaking out like this you make yourself an enemy of them. It is the wrong approach, especially if you are to get this much publicity over the seemingly pointless issue.

  13. andrew says:

    In response to the previous commenter, this is a worthy cause. Postmodernism, with its lack of structure or meaning, has created a vacuum in our society. This kid is trying to give meaning and substance to an otherwise meaningless facet of today’s culture; language. I applaud him for his efforts. Its a breath of fresh air to see a young person take a stand for something that although not that bad (as is there is a hierarchy of “bad”) can corrupt even the most innocent of our generation. Its a hard task that he is coming up against; fighting a worldview that has swept our culture. Don’t let them push you down. Congrats McKay. Keep it up.

  14. greg says:

    Just, precisely, what words has the young man determined that we are not allowed to utter in his presence? There is nothing “dirty” about words. You would think someone would be much more worried about teaching the young man about free speach, than encouraging him toward notions that don’t sound dissimilar from those spouted about in these wonderful “Islamic Republics” around the world.

  15. John says:

    Profanity is to a large degree what you make of it… however, I also do believe that profanity can be abusive, disresepctful, and annoying at times. I can’t stand talking to people who’s every second word is the F-word or the S-Word. The majority of kids in schools are using profanity to be cool in front of their classmates, and to a large degree to be disrespectful to teachers and other authorities. AND if the kids are doing it at the schools its most likely because the parents are doing it at home.

    In conclusion, Keep up the good work McKay!! People may not like your idea, but some of the MOST SUCCESSUFL leaders in the world had ideas that people didn’t like. Those leaders took their ideas and followed them through.

  16. Tannim says:

    This kid probably has no idea where the words even come from or why they exist, let alone why they are considered vulgar (or once were), making him a context-free cause fighter, tilting at his own windmills.

    IOW, he’s modern Don Quixote.

    Fact is, as the language and the culture evolves away from the childish prudishness it still exhibits into more responsible adult-like behavior, what was once considered taboo no longer is. Consider gambling and drinking for starters, and sex and cussing are heading in that direction as well. Kids like this are on the wrong side of history, evolution, and social development.

  17. Brandi says:

    I applaud you. I wish a lot of other people felt that way. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to cuss, and not many people can walk that line. In fact, why not see how many people can walk that line ?

  18. Joyce says:

    Good for you, Mckay! I am so sick of the “garbage mouth” people – what is their problem that they have to talk like that – it is very disrespectful of others.

  19. Brian says:

    bleh, i dont feel like profanity should be banned, but people making death threats against his family because he dosn’t like cussing? That is exactly this kids point imo, all these people have grown up cussing and now look at them, making death threats against a 13 year old boy.

    kinda ridiculous it comes to that

  20. Mel in NC says:

    I think what he’s doing is great, and I’m a self-professed “potty mouth”!
    I often tell my middle school students that there are words that are much more expressive and communicate ideas better than the cuss words we often resort to. Most of the time that’s true. Cuss words provide shock value and (if used sparingly) can emphasize that you’re really ____ (fill the the blank emotion), but beyond that aren’t such helpful purveyers of our thoughts and ideas.
    Certainly I’ve read captivating writers and heard good speakers who cuss, but more often than not someone whose dialogue is littered with cuss words comes across as less intelligent and having less to “say”.
    Besides, there are worse things in the world this kid could be doing…so why be down on him for trying to do a good thing? That’s what I don’t get, all these trolls in the world who want to be negative about every little thing…don’t they have anything better to do? Maybe an anti-troll club would be nice too. 🙂

  21. Peggie Bissell says:

    McKay is “right on ” with his mission to reduce profanity and I applaud his efforts. As a teacher of young children for close to 30 years, I have been disturbed by the increase in the use of profanity. Children are not only hearing /using it more frequently, but seeing it in print as well. Our beginning readers , in their excitement to decode words and happy in their quest to figure out as many as possible, are getting an eyeful on all the stickers we adults post on our vehicles. As a society, what are we providing as models for these kids? The violence in these messages makes me sad, concerned, and frustrated. Now, this may surprise you, but I would describe myself as someone who swears on a regular basis, although never have I done so while among children. My father proclaimed when I was about 13 that the word “SH– ” was the best word in the English language! Since hearing about McKays efforts, I have made a personal pledge to join in, to increase my awareness of my choices, and to explore other vocabulary words that might work in those situations when I habitually turn to the usual list! Count me in McKay!

  22. Katrina says:

    I agree with Adam to an extent… profanity is what you make it. There are numerous words in the English dictionary that, although not technically curse words, are much more profane than saying “h*ll” or “d*mn” or any of the other host of words that someone or some body of people decided to group into the profanity category. The point is how people use words and their meanings to define others, scenarios, life… themselves. It’s not simply the fact that some of these are classified as curse words because I’ve heard plenty of people get “cussed out” without one word of so-called “profanity” being emitted from their mouths.

  23. LT says:

    Adam, you’re an idiot.

  24. Blair says:

    It is not about “being a good person” or “feeling like you’re better than everyone else.” It is simply about being civil. Why can’t we just be nice people? Profanity is profanity because many people find it degrading or offensive. They are words that are used to insult others, or express anger. This country doesn’t need any more negativity than it already has. Clean language doesn’t offend anyone, and does a little bit to help society be a bit more civil.

    However, if you feel differently, go ahead and cuss. Just don’t criticize a kid who is trying to make a difference in his own way.

  25. neel says:

    Please waste your time on a meaningful mission. This one is stupid.

  26. punk-e says:

    Adam, you just don’t get it do you? ‘Your words become your action, action becomes your behavior, your behavior becomes your character, character becomes destiny.’ I’m guessing that everyone can come to their own conclusion about your destiny, but my money is with McKay.

  27. roxana says:

    i agree that profanity is what you make of it but i think the club that he started is about learning how to live without using profanity and expressing yourself in different ways, i don’t think he thinks that people who say them are bad people but it’s just a more peaceful way of living. i think this club is a really great thing that is helping everyone around it.

  28. Michael says:

    He’s young. Give him time. He learn.

  29. Rob says:

    I applaud him for his effort. I’ve listened to people on my college campus that used profanity for every single adjective and adverb in their conversation. Continued flagrant use of profanity does nothing but dumb down society. It is not about being a “good” person. It is about not sounding like an idiot. In my opinion, people who have to use profanity in all of their conversations basically have a limited vocabulary, which – to me – indicates limited intelligence.

  30. Lynn says:

    Good for you McKay. The world would be a better place with more people like you.

  31. Aiden says:

    Anti-obscenity movements like this are just another form of petty elitism. Profanity in the majority of cases has nothing to do with being uncivil. Profanity is more and more common everywhere you look. It’s culturally acceptable and is part of the modern vernacular in most circles. Even most families who choose not to use certain words in their household or specific social circles (church, visiting grandparents) pay to be entertained by actors and actresses who utter the very words that those families deem so crass. All I see is double standards and hypocrisy. Unless these advocates literally turn off their cable TV, and never see a movie above a G rating, they’re taking part in something that they’ve professed to make a stand against.

    ‘Your words become your action, action becomes your behavior, your behavior becomes your character, character becomes destiny.’

    Mr. Hatch has missed the point of that quote. If any single word without context has enough meaning to dictate the course of one’s life for better or for worse, then perhaps I could agree with his interpretation. But that simply isn’t practical or realistic. Words take on true meaning and context when arranged in phrases and sentences and considering different circumstances to produce understandable communication and provoke thought. To take a single word in a singular context is to fail to acknowledge that word in all other contexts and all other significance.

    Take the perfectly acceptable (to Mr. Hatch) word “love” for instance. That word’s meaning in conjunction with other words and considering different circumstances can be extremely civil and pleasant, or uncivil, crass and even unpleasant depending on personal perspective (a husband finds out his wife is “in love” or has been “making love” with another man). That same nature can be true of “four letter words.” What may seem uncivil to Mr. Hatch, because of his failure to understand context and the different meaning that words can take on, can be civil or even endearing to people of similar or greater education, accomplishments, and social standing.

    As motivated as Mr. Hatch is, it’s too bad that he doesn’t do something more beneficial to society than promote and foster culture wars. Going back to the quote, if it’s his destiny to become petty and judgmental, then Mr. Hatch will only alienate himself from more opportunities and relationships that could better benefit everyone. Fortunately for Mr. Hatch, he is young and time is on his side. He may yet grow to be more influential in more important matters.

  32. Ryan says:

    I can tell you exactly what the big deal is, Adam. It IS profane whether you think so or not, and you have no more right to inflict profanity on the people around you as you do of to blow cigar smoke in their faces or, for that matter, to drive while intoxicated.

    Nobody needs to avoid your vehicle, nobody needs to inhale your fumes, and nobody needs to hear your foul mouth.

    I’ve followed this young man’s quest from the beginning, and he is not asking for money from anyone; it’s not a charity, but a club made up of similar thinking people, so what’s your big deal with it? Calling someone who was 14 when he started his club ‘these anti-profanity people’ isn’t called for. He and his friends just don’t want to hear your mess.

    If you think differently come up with your own club.

  33. Edward says:

    Profanities are regular words made popular because of their brevity and frequency of use. Frankly, if you take offense in these kind of things it is no wonder that your words become your character.

    These type of things really show the fundamental weakness of contemporary youth, especially if you take into consideration a quote from the website: “Our NCC Motto is: LEAVE PEOPLE BETTER THAN YOU FOUND THEM!” Which literally reads as a superiority notice: now, disprove that.

    So my question is: What makes you think that people who curse are inferior to people who do not?

  34. Denny says:

    Way to go, McKay!! I applaud your efforts! Civility in our culture would appear to be all but lost. I get so tired of hearing the rotten language that so many seem to like to use so casually. Words mean things, and so few seem to be able to grasp that fact. Thank you!

  35. Lisa Iadevaia says:

    I agree with Adam. This is a pretty pointless “campaign.” There are much more serious issues in the world, and the underlying result of this idea is to restrict people’s freedom of speech. l say: protest the use of real bombs as opposed to F-bombs! Haha! Sorry McKay, but I think your idea is pretty f*&^ing stupid.

  36. david davidson says:

    Words are just sounds that come from your vocal chords through your mouth or just letters on a page. It’s the intended meaning behind these sounds/letters that give them power. This kid suggests we use words like “pickles” or “sassafras” as a replacement for curses, but what he doesn’t realize is that the intended meaning is the same. I could go on about censorship and how ridiculous this campaign to restrict free speech is, but I won’t because unlike CNN and other major news networks, I realize that this is just a gimmick.

    The real motivation behind this kid’s campaign is to sell books and make money. Leaked e-mails show that this was his father’s plan to get rich rather than anything altruistic or noble. (And btw, I found this without going to school for journalism). I’m disappointed, CNN. There are kids out there busting their ‘sassafrases’ doing good works that actually benefit the public, and you decide to elevate this little ‘pickle’ instead. (Did I make my point clear enough, or do I have to spell it out?)

  37. Peggy says:

    Thank you McKay………this is a very admirable venture and I have such high regard for you for doing this. Profanity has certainly gotten out of hand no matter where you go. To me it shows such disrespect and low regard for your fellow man. I cringe when I hear it as I’m sure many million do, but are afraid to say anything these days, because you never know how people are going to react to being asked not to talk that way around you.

  38. Rodrigo says:

    what a waste of time and energy. if you don’t want people to hear people cuss, avoid people. Why not invest this time/energy into something that will actually make the world a better place? Why not try to convince people to stop spending so much money on blowing people up, and use the money to feed/clothe/house the rest of the world instead? Then we could all happily say “Goodbye!” to violence, crime, and hate and no longer even have a desire to curse as a species.

  39. Kristine says:

    To adam who said: “profanity is what you make it. if you dont want it to be profane, it isn’t profane.” Really? Profanity, is by definition, profane. Whether you want it to be or not, it is. To me the problem with using profanity is that very often the people using it do so without regard to those around them. It shows a lack of consideration or thought for other people and how they may feel. I, for one, do not appreciate hearing it and I’m disgusted when people swear around my young children. There is no need for it.

  40. DEW says:

    Profanity is usually brought on by disappointment or anger. We’ve become to relaxed with curse words. It is also a sign of disrespect towards someone or something.

    Hats off to the young man for taking a stand!

  41. Virginia Paulsen says:

    I love this young man without even having met him. Words DO have power! Angry, abusive, disrespectful words do damage in tiny and big ways; all of which are destructive to civil, rational and respectful communication. Keep fighting the good fight, McKay!

  42. Paul Wright says:

    Awesome job kid!! I love hearing good stories about people, young or old, doing something to improve society. Swearing, in my opinion, just makes people sound trashy. It also shows a lack of respect for those around you.
    Having said that, I am a teacher and I find most young people are good kids. They swear mostly to impress and look tough. Most adults might remember what it was like being in school and trying to fit in. Some kids see swearing as an easy way to be “part of the group.” Any teenager that can go against this deserves praise. The anti-swearing message (like all messages) will reach the young more effectively if given by another young person. Your parents have clearly done a great job raising you 🙂

    P. Wright

  43. F-Bomb says:

    We should all strive to be like this fine young man. We should do what we can—start clubs, websites, etc.— to control and influence how people talk. Hey, it’s a start! Now if we could only figure out a way to control and influence how people thought. Wouldn’t that be something?

    To McKay Hatch – I think that it’s sad and completely out of line that you are getting bomb and death threats. There are worse things one could do than to “encourage civility”. But there are also a lot more productive things that you could be doing that wouldn’t be interpretted as a holier-than-thou way of controlling how people speak.

  44. Ray Smith says:

    Lets keep this voluntary!!!! The last thing I need is for some politician using their brain and making some stupid law against what I can and can’t say.

    It’s all good if you don’t want to curse and if you want to start a club, but don’t make that into some political drive or some crazy ass will show up with a gun at your house one day and not a prostitute.

    And these days, there is plenty of nuts jobs about there. I just read that in Germany some crazy kid took about a whole bunch of kids and even here in the US, some crazy guy went of a shooting spree.

    Keep it voluntary and ignore the haters and you will be ok. Don’t waste too much time on this web site of your, hit the books instead.

  45. Cameron says:

    I actually agree, and not for specific moral reasons. I find that most people use profanity as a crutch. I have heard whole conversations where nearly every other word was the big “F” word. Granted, I enjoy versatility, but it is butchering the English language. Some of these posters are a perfect example: poor punctuation and spelling, no capitalization, etc. Seriously people, it is not that hard to add a little bit of effort into your language.

    Ethically, I find nothing wrong with cussing when used in context. However, I find it grossly wrong when it is used simply to be offensive or as a replacement for a full vocabulary.

    I would be interested to see if many “habitual cussers” can meet this challenge of not cussing for a whole week.

  46. Jenna says:

    Words only have meaning if you allow them to. Honestly look at curse words. Most of the time they’re used, it is to express frustration or anger. What’s wrong with that? Personally there are far more disgusting words in our language than the select few that have deemed the title of profanity. With people in our society abusing, beating, and killing each other… stop sweating the small stuff. So what if someone feels the need to drop the “F” bomb every now and then? How does that negatively effect your life? It makes you shake your head and think of them in a disapproving light? We have bigger problems to worry about. Anyone who dedicates their time to ending the practice of profanity is wasting their time. Do something more productive.

  47. Dianna says:

    It doesn’t matter how big or little your cause is. All that matters is that you stand up for what you believe in and help others understand how meaningful your cause can be. This young man McKay is sixteen years old. I would like to see more teens thinking of a way to make their environment a better one. The english language should be used appropiately if you want others to take you seriously. This young man is something special and teens and young adults should look up to him.

  48. Jay says:

    Nice work McKay,
    While there are certainly worse problems in the world than profanity, the fact that a teenager was willing to be an example to his friends, family, and to the world is compelling and admirable. Your courage will hopefully be an example to teens and adults without half as much of a spine, including myself at times, especially toward the scores of so-called professionals I work with every day who seem to completely lack self-control regarding virtually anything they say, whether profanity, gossip, or discrimination. Professional my…um…rear end!

  49. Julia says:

    I think this is such a great idea. I can understand that people get angry or frustrated and let cuss words slip. But I don’t think there’s any place for foul language in regular conversation. I think it’s really cool that McKay stepped up and defended his opinion. Very few people these days would do the same.

  50. Val in Virginia says:

    Good for you, McKay. Words have more power to injure than many weapons. Cruelty in the form of words can actually influence and perpetuate tomorrow’s murderers and other various deranged criminals. It continues on spiraling out of control all because someone used words that tortured or diminished someone’s personal worth. My father always taught us kids that profane language was generally used among the lower classes and if we didn’t want to appear ignorant in society, we would all refrain from voicing such foul words. The more I hear it out of the mouths of our youth today, the more ignorant they appear to me, and the sorrier I feel for them that know one helped them to learn any better. If anyone doubts the power of words, consider our last election — Obama voiced far better words than his opponent. End of story.

  51. Katie says:

    adam, you’re right, profanity is what you make it — as a society we have determined what words denotate (the dictionary definition) and connotate (the culture definition). if you look a word up in the dictionary and it says “usually considered vulgar” then in our society (america) it’s not appropriate to talk like that. when we let our language become “sloppy” then other things slip too … respect for authority, elders, teachers, police, ourselves, and God. people who speak with “appropriate language” tend to get higher grades, succeed more (you don’t hear the CEO of Bank of America saying f* this and f* that in a board room!), and they also tend to think about doing more for charity. i’ve never seen a charity’s comment board read — “good f* job” because we know that’s negative. when we start with simple things like this teen is promotion, the bigger things fall into place

  52. Em says:

    It’s not about being against profane speech, it’s about respect. I know many people who swear and who are good people all at the same time. I didn’t get that he was trying to be better than anyone, just trying to make his environment a more peaceful one. I’m glad he had the balls to ask his friends not to swear around him; he didn’t tell them to, just asked and they obliged. It shows maturity on both sides.

    Adam, please show some respect for his personal values and stop being needlessly offended. Life is too short to waste time judging other people who try to make a difference.

  53. jmz says:

    Geez people get a grip. it is a kid trying to do something positive for a change. it is not gonna save the world but i will bet it is more than any of us have done. swearing while not a big deal does show a lack of originality in speech. i swear alot and now i m trying to cut back a bit. if anything to retain the swear words effectiveness. but why are morons sending death threats? have we gone that far down hill? Kevin how old are you? what have you done that is so profound that you can sit behind your computer and rag on this kid? somehow i think that you and adam are mad not for what this kid is doing, but because he exposes your shortcommings

  54. That one kid says:

    dude its just a sound sounds dont hurt anyone or shouldnt hurt anyone anyway ok guys say the word “watermelon” k that was a sound same as every other word we say

  55. Danny says:

    Using or not using swear words has nothing to do with anyone being any better than anyone else. Your right to say what you want clashes with my right not to hear it. Asking someone not to curse in public doesn’t impinge one bit on free speech. If you can’t get your point across without being offensive, I suggest you rethink your point.

    I am not a prude. But when I let loose, it’s serious. If every third word someone spews is an f-bomb, I’m thinking A) ignorant B) could not care less about others and C) there’s nothing in reserve.

    I give this young guy for props. I’ve told my 11 yr old I can’t control how anyone – including him – speaks away from home but in the house or on my property, THAT I can control. And if some posters here who seem enamored with foul language when I’m within range, I’ll avoid them like a hobo with open sores.

  56. Eric says:

    16 yo shouldn’t be cursing with adults and adults shouldn’t be cursing in front of kids. With that in mind No “Cussing” is like saying “Keep Sunday Holy”. It’s a matter of opinion and not a cause. CNN dropped the ball to promote a religious right subject on this one. Cursing is not wrong. There are many times an expletive is more appropriate than “oh gosh”. What this kid should have done is create a club for the appropriate use of language in social settings.

    For me this is up there with anti-abortion groups and the Family Values groups. If you can’t deal with reality change it so it doesn’t hurt your tender feelings.

    This kid and many like him need to toughen up and deal with the real world and not just the parts they like. Everyone is different and he needs to learn to accept others for who they are and not what he wants them to be. The song goes “They will know we are christians by our love” not by the multitude of rules. Take off the rose colored glasses and wake up people. Telling others what to do is what the christian religion was fighting. Now it makes so many rules everyone’s going to hell in a hand basket with an Evangelical preacher asking for a donation on the way.

  57. Amanos says:

    Good job Mckay! my Question: how much longer do you intend to focus on this subject ? I agree with you on what you’ve done so far,even people who seemed to oppose your idea, they know that you’re absolutely in right way .Of cause” you can take a horse to the stream,but you can’t make it drink the water” i.e you can advise people but you can’t oblige them . There is much more bad behavior around us such as conflict,insult and the like. what do you think if your club generalise all bad behavior? Thanks

  58. Marcia Morrison says:

    Hey, this kid is from my hometown! I’m proud of him. I applaud his “mission of civility” and wish more would do the same.

  59. tdude says:

    i think its cool that he started the nol cussing club and that he doesnt feel comfortable with people cussing around him and that his club is probaly growing and i hope that he keeps this club going

  60. colleen says:


  61. paul says:

    People are going to cuss no matter if someone stops or not.

  62. Merlin Fields says:

    This is Great ! I applaude you McKay!!
    This would be a great way to pay off the national debt in no time!! Every time a word has to be bleeped out on TV or any Cuss Word gets by, then the station that aires it should have to pay a $10K fine, no if, ands, of buts about it.

  63. Julie says:

    I think it’s wonderful that there are young people with integrity in this nation! You knew what was wrong and you walked away from it, what a great lesson for people to learn! I just want to say thank you for setting a good example. If every person would cut out one inappropriate behavior then what a wonderful and clean world we could live in. KUDDOS to you kid!

  64. Jeff says:


    About 14 years ago when I worked for a small computer company in Scottsdale, AZ, I worked under a salesman who was dysfunctional and thought it was cool to to utter nonsense about other people – not just profanity. He drove people away from the company and wound up putting them out of business. The owner, who was above him was very young and didn’t know any better.

    Already, you are more advanced than that and you are not out
    of your teens yet..

    Profanity by itself may not be all bad .. but we have lost it and if the human race does not restore respect for one another.. we may lose our country.. even return to the jungle ..

    Thousand Oaks, CA

  65. Christina says:

    My goodness, that is great! I thought I was the only person who didn’t cuss.. and haven’t cussed ever. To me it lowers the image and integrity of a person and shows great weakness in their character. Keep up the great work! You are an amazing Person!

  66. Kaylee says:

    WOW. This club is very interesting! im so amazed how many people are joined in it and how determined everyone is!….keep it strong! No matter what kind of silly threats you get keep going.. like someone really going to bomb a kids’ house who doesn’t like cussing? ok? really. im proud of you for actualy taking the time and starting the club, it must be hard work.

  67. Angie says:

    Wow. Thats really cool that you posted a blog about this subject. Profanitie is a big issue at schools, and other public places. I am so glad you started a club with your friends about bad language. I am ga\lad there are so many people who have joined your club, and realized that profanitie is not appropriat. thanks, Avh

  68. prying1 says:

    Aiden said. “Anti-obscenity movements like this are just another form of petty elitism.” From there his diatribe seems to take on an petty elitist platform. Is there room for the splinter/log in the eye parable here?

    And I say to those who stand in favor of cursing (or cussing if one prefers) are also guilty of petty elitism but even worse they also stand on the wrong side of the fence. … “His site has been hacked, his family has received bomb and death threats. Prostitutes have even shown up to his house!” … Choose your sides more carefully for you go arm in arm with people such as this.

    Those in favor of profanity most likely do not even think of the definition of the word.
    1. characterized by irreverence or contempt for God or sacred principles or things; irreligious.
    2. not devoted to holy or religious purposes; unconsecrated; secular (opposed to sacred ).
    3. unholy; heathen; pagan: profane rites.
    4. not initiated into religious rites or mysteries, as persons.
    5. common or vulgar.

    Not one of those definitions is good.

    Now those that are truly self righteous and truly uncaring can attack McKay, me, the dictionary and all others that have posted in favor of morality in their defense of garbage. Be sure to wipe your shoes…

    P.S. I’ve been guilty of cussing too but each time I know I should choose my words better, I am aware of what I inflict on those around me and apologize if need be. That is not self righteous but is being considerate.

  69. David says:

    All these people that are spouting off anti-anti-cursing remarks are pretty, well, self righteous themselves. Here they are ripping on a boy for trying to make his world a little better for himself and family. Our language is a huge factor on how we think, and form ideas, and the words we choose helps create who we are. Is it any worse than someone going on a diet? Trying to eat healthy, watching what we say, probably has a larger effect than anything else. Forcing yourself to think about what word to use instead of using a profane word, takes brain power and self control.

  70. Ano Maly says:

    Good to stick by your convictions. One thing everyone should remember not cussing or swearing does not make one a good person. Swearing or not swearing are just words; nothing more.

  71. flotan says:

    God bless you, McKay ! Very, very useful work. You are a real man, boy.

  72. Reader says:

    I think it is more insighful and useful to start with your thoughts….
    ‘Your thoughts become your, your words become your action, action becomes your behavior, your behavior becomes your character, character becomes destiny.’

    So clean up your thoughts. Think positive and act positive (take action, broaden your horizons, and accept new ideas – I paid a huge price for not doing this)

  73. Franky says:

    You guys wanna hear a quick story??

    When I was young, I seen a kid in my classroom that gave the finger to a girl…yeah, I know, a girl! LOL!! But anyway, it was in cafeteria and I guess she got him mad and said, “Look down at the cafeteria.” And me being noisy, I looked down and he was putting the finger. Believe it or not, it was the first time I ever seen it, the girl didn’t have no reaction, so I thought it meant shut up or something…so you know what I did? Sit back and enjoy…

    One day my sister asked me to help her out and I said No! I mean, I just didn’t want to, is that simple. So she was talking and I literally gave her the finger…that was the first time what that meant because she told mom let’s just say, LOL!!!

    Boy, this shorty ain’t playing around, huh? I wish I had him in my classroom…

  74. flotan says:

    Cussing/Cursing separates you from the Holy God. In this way you get right in the hands of the Evil One, without any protection – a very dangerous situation.

    So, hurry up ask men and God’s forgiveness.

  75. Zia says:

    It is so good to see such a young child taking the lead instead of following the crowd. We should have more young people willing to make the same decisions this young boy has made. As to the people who are trying to turn him, it is soooo stupid to see grown people trying to intimidate and scare this young boy. Yall need to go get a life!!!!!!!!!

  76. k young says:

    Way to go young man, hang in there!!

  77. David says:

    The value of “profane” language, or “cussing,” is that it allows for violence by proxy. Rather than punch someone in the nose, we call him a @3$!!

    Or at least that’s how it used to work. Now, vulgarisms have become so commonplace that there is neither shock value nor a sense of emotional release in their utterance.

    No longer able to fight by proxy through cursing; no longer able to verbally express intense emotion; we have no choice but to resort to the real thing, with fists, knives, and guns.

    There are studies that show that people who smile start to feel happier. So what do you suppose people who don’t use violent language feel like?

  78. Linda Altland says:

    As my dad always said ~ “Using four-letter language is the sign of a lazy mind.” I have to agree, even though I have been know to slip now and again.

  79. Hadassah says:

    Way to go Mckay! I’m amazed that someone would actually have enough courage to do this! Don’t stop what you’re doing!!!

  80. Ms Plowden says:

    this is ssuch a good idea because young ppl a prone to pick up bad habbits around about the time they are entering middle school. i know i did and one of those bad habbits was cursing. i used this bad language until i almost used it infront of my mother that’s when i knew it was my time yo stop but just like any other habbit it was a hard one to break it took all of 2yrs on and off so this is a way to nip the problem in the bud so great job!!!!!

  81. matt goldman says:

    Kudos to a teenager that strives for civility. Growing up, my parents stressed no cursing. My father led by example; to this day, I can only recall him using a profane word four or five times. When people trivialize this kid for his “No Cussing” campaign, it’s a solid indication of just how accepting we have become of hearing curse words. Hope he has continued success with his contribution for more civil words.

    St. Petersburg, FL

  82. john says:

    I think what Hatch fails to realize is that
    1. he overestimates the harm done by well-used profanity (he thinks it leads kids to “drugs, violence and pornography”)

    2. he makes his own words profane by using them in vanity, ie. barnacles, pickles. If you use those words in a negative way, even though they’re clean-language words, then you are using them to convey exactly the same emotion as when you say a traditional four-letter word.

    dumb ****.

  83. JOHN says:

    THIS IS SO COOL DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  84. Marie Mack says:

    Good for you McKay H! Ugly words are demeaning and degrading both to the speaker and those (often) forced to listen. Many of you are too young to remember, but we didn’t have massive alcohol, drug use and rampant teenage pregnancy brought on by teen’s lack of self-esteem when people, in general, were taught RESPECT for themselves and others. Soft, respectful words build self-confidence, ugly words do the opposite. With the rampant use of the Fword in so many movies and “music”, it’s little wonder even pre-teen girls are being treated as though their hearts and souls are irrelevant; that they are just inanimate objects to be used for physical gratification. That IS a good cause. All social problems started with a lack of respect; all solutions begin with persons learning to respect themselves and others. Yours is a GREAT CAUSE, McKay! Please keep carrying on.
    Thank you, Marie Mack

  85. Alonzo Gudger says:

    I applaud this young man and he should be supported. I live and work in a major urban city on the east coast in which riding the Metro bus or rail (the bus is worse) is sometimes a horrendous experience because of the prolific use of profanity. When I was growing up in this city hearing profanity garnered immediate attention from all whom heard it. And the attention was negative. Today it’s used so frequently that it’s become part of the pop culture. The worst offenders happen to be children whom don’t even realize what they’re saying when uttering word’s such as “motherf**ker” and “sh*t”. This is disrespectful to anyone whom has there grandmother, mother, sister, aunt etc… within earshot. At least those who grew up with manners and self-respect. It tends to effect women more then men; however, today there are more young girls using this language. It sometimes appears as if there competing with the boys. What I’m talking about is rapid fire, repetitive, every sentence, fragment, phrase with a profane word used. It sounds awful and indicative of someone without any home training or education. It needs to be curved…

  86. MeganA says:

    I agree with those of you who say that words are only bad if we give them the power to be bad. However, some words have already been given the power in our society to evoke images of lewdness, crudity, hate, and evil. Few would tell a person of color to, “get over the N word.” You wouldn’t tell them to not be offended because it’s their offense that gives the word power. I’m sure that a most of the language this young man is discouraging is a lot less extreme that racial slurs, but you have to look at it with the same understanding. While I’m sure we can all think of some situation examples to the contrary, a profane word is rarely used light heartedly even when it is used casually. It is most often used to shock or offend. To express anger, disgust, or displeasure. The point is that, like racial slurs, profane language is most often used with a mindset that intends to cause offense. One individual cannot rescind the power that certain words hold in a society, but if one individual can convince a society to consider the power of offense a word holds before they use it, the picture changes greatly. All of the “Young People Who Rock” on here are doing great things. But what if some of the people that they are helping to get off of drugs or that they are helping to get into homes, also learn how to better respect themselves and others through the words they choose to use or not use. Words do have power. They have the power to break a person down or build a person up. True that it may not fill a stomache, but it may remind a parent to speak out of love and not anger to their child, it may force a person to express themselves more articulately which may lead to a better job, and it may cause a person to have respect for themselves when before they had none. History has been shaped, in great part, by the power of words. I have high respect for this young man who recognizes that the power of language should be used in such a way that it influences the future for the better.

  87. s says:

    Foul language is so unnecessary. It really demonstrates immaturity because people use it when they lack the communication skills to put their thoughts or anger together into a real expressive sentence. That is why it is so often found with teens….immaturity! I applaud this boy.

  88. Jayne says:

    This is a very brave and gutsy endeavor because people can be mean. But act with faith, and your success is inevitable – and you’ll find true companions along the way. Jayne

  89. Velisa Patton says:

    May GOD continue to BLESS YOU.This scripture will comfort your spirit James 1:2-3.Iam 39 years old and I really admire what you are doing I pray that you will continue to do Gods work to help encourage other young people to follow you example.

  90. Jacob says:

    I find it totally awesome how you have the courage to still continue all of this when you get bomb threats, and all this other stuff, I would maybe quit or slow down on doing it, but it’s just amazing how you can stand up so strongly for what you beleive in and not get nocked down…..You’re truly L33t

  91. Britney says:

    I donno if i can do that but thats great that you thought of that and that you are determinded to keep it going.
    (: Nice job and dont listen to haters.

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